Friday, November 16, 2007

Little House on the Prairie...The Peruvian Addition

As the title foretells, I often wonder if I've been casted in some new reality T.V. show (are those still popular?) reenacting the antiquated classic “Little House on the Prairie”.  Of course, this time, I'm taking on the role of Michael Landon...things might get a little weird.

I can see it now...A gigantic gringo, cast into the great Peruvian mountains; facing fierce weather, strange diseases, and daily encountering unforeseeable occurrences and plot developments reserved for the best screen writers.  Yes.  We could call it “The Simple Life”.  

No.  That's not a very good idea, is it?  With a name like that, it's bound to warp into some tragic follow up to the floppy Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie display that has plagued our generation; and our living rooms.  But who knows?  Maybe that's just what we need...a confident and capable Peace Corps Volunteer, eyeball to eyeball with actuality.  Rather than making a mockery of another lifestyle, I could be demonstrating how dedication and persistence can pay off.  Is it just me, or do you think this altitude is making me a bit off my rocker?

Well, I guess I'm coming off a bit pretentious with the lead character.  It's just that things have been going pretty well down in the valley.  When the sicknesses subside that is.  

I'm finally starting to feel like my house has become a home.  In the physical sense, I've been diligently working on bringing my room up to standard.  For instance, I received a big boost when a retired Peace Corps volunteer made me the proud heir to a small wooden table; which has revolutionized my life (petty yes, but brilliant nonetheless).  Things seem to be going well with my projects as well.  Everything seems to be coming to order.  I'm quite content.

On top of  all this, and perhaps the true source of my jubilation, I'm currently preparing the backpacks for the the beach.  Yes, I'm headed back down to sea level for Thanksgiving.  Ever so swiftly, I've already wrapped up my first three months in site.  The upcoming week is what we call our “reconnect”.  All of the volunteers that were in my training group will be getting together to present a diagnostic of their site.  I'm looking forward to the opportunity to share my life with the friends I haven't seen since we officially became Peace Corps volunteers back in August.  

And, the best part of it is...I'm going to the beach!  I mean, really, I love my mountains.  You know that.  They're great.  But, the tranquility provided by the feel of moist sand beneath me, the roar of Mother Ocean, and the thought of watching the sun plummet into the Pacific waters in a brilliant sunset topped by the stench of thick salty air sounds spectacular.  Just the break I could use!  Thank you Peace Corps!  But most importantly, let's not forget about the friends!

I'm talking real, face-to-face, English conversations!  Wow!  I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday.  Be extra thankful this year; I surely will be.  You know, I bet I won't even hear the wailing bellows of a donkey for the entire week.  Hell, even Michael Landon never caught a break like this!

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